Sunday, January 24, 2016

How to submit your music for the GIMA awards

My best friend Divya and me at the GIMA's in 2014
After I got nominated for the Global Indian Music Awards(GIMA) awards in 2014 (Best Music Debut & Best Pop Album I had a lot of indie musicians ask me how I submitted my music for GIMA, information about the deadlines etc.

I thought I'd write a blog post about the same so that more indie musicians can submit their music for consideration.

Read on..
 "Why should I submit to GIMA? I'm really about the music and not the awards"
Clinton Cerejo's band performing at the awards
The reason you should submit your best work for GIMA, irrespective of whether you win an award or not is because of the stellar jury that will listen to it. The Jury comprises of some of the stalwarts of the music industry including established music directors like Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy & Leslie Lewis, classical musicians like Taufiq Quereshi, Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt , Hariharan and lyricists Javed Akhtar and Prasoon Joshi ( two of my favourites from the industry).  To some, the award is a validation of their work, to some it is not..but to all musicians , this is a great opportunity to get your music critiqued and more importantly heard by the best in the industry. You never know what opportunities might stem from there. Give it a shot I say!

Ranveer Singh hosting the awards
"But I thought GIMA was all about Bollywood music"
What a lot of indie musicians are not aware of is that the GIMA awards exist for both Film and Non-Film Categories of music. Sadly, due to the strong Bollywood influence in India, the non-film categories are not given as much importance on television as a result of which many people still assume that the GIMAs are about Bollywood. As an indie musician you can submit your music in the Non-film category for consideration.

What are the deadlines?
The deadlines to submit your music change every year so keep an eye open on the GIMA website for

What are the categories for indie musicians?
You can check out if you're eligible to submit your music for any of the categories below

What are the steps I need to take to submit my music to GIMA?
A star-studded night..the Indian equivalent of the Grammies
  • Log onto the GIMA website and click on the 'Apply Here' link on the homepage.
  • You will be prompted to register and enter your details. The userid and password will be sent to you on your e-mail id.
  • Login to the GIMA page with the username and the password received in your e-mail.
  • Select Non-Film music category and select the categories ( one or multiple) you would like to nominate yourself for.
  • Once you are satisfied with your entries, proceed to submit the form. A page will be displayed with the categories you have nominated yourself for alongwith the entry fee per category.This year the fee is Rs. 600/- per category for Non-film music.
  • On submittion of the online form, you will receive a confirmation email from GIMA with details of what needs to be submitted to them to confirm your entry. Here's a summary of what you need to put together for your entry:

    • Print out of the completed Declaration Form ( The link to the form will be sent to your e-mail ID) 
    • 2 CD's to be submitted per category ( Yes! You read that right). So 4 CD's in all if you submit for 2 categories, 6 CD's for 3 categories..etc
    • CDs/DVDs/Pendrive with video for Best Music Video Category – Non-Film
    • Entry Fees via DD/Cheque in favour of ‘Wizcraft International Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.’ Or Entry Fees via NEFT( bank details are specified in e-mail)
    • In the case of digital releases, entrants must submit a proof of release - official letter stamped by the digital platform owner OR a print-out in case the release is on social media websites. Also, if you don't hold the IPR for your music you need to get an NOC  from the holders of the intellectual property rights of music.

Labelled CD's for submittion in 2 categories
Completed Declaration Form

You can either submit your entries in the Wizcraft office in Mumbai in Andheri personally or post them the material. You will receive a confirmation call from them once your entry has been validated successfully.
Nominations are announced in a month or so from submission and the awards are generally towards the beginning of the year. This year (2016) it will most likely be in March.

Now go submit your music... more power to you!:) All the best .

P.s. If you like this article I would really love for you to share it and subscribe to the blog for other informative posts. Lets all help and educate one another and build the indie scene in India together:)


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Burning Fire - A Song for Tibet

‘Twas a windy day as we roamed the streets of Mcloedganj, a beautiful little town in Himachal Pradesh. The air was laden with the fresh scent of pine trees and the cool wind blew in our faces. Me and my oldest school friend Divya had decided to go for a girl’s trip to explore Dharamsala & Mcloedganj.
As we made our way through the crowded by-lanes in the market, we saw plenty of curio shops with “Free Tibet” signs outside. Prayer flags adorned every tree, every shop entrance and every house, creating a very festive & colorful atmosphere.

We spotted a quaint little organic café to our right and meandered in. I love the relaxed pace of everything during holidays. Meandering ( I love the word!) is something I am very fond of, given the hectic pace of my daily life.
As Divya explored the handicrafts display in the café, I noticed a lady wearing a traditional Tibetan dress sitting by herself with a cup of coffee .She was chatting to the store owner in Tibetan while showing her some pictures on her phone. The Tibetan language, with its high-pitched tones & intonations, sounded almost like a bird song. Suddenly the Tibetan lady broke out into a lovely folk song; her voice engulfing the room like waves of sound gently brushing across the ocean sands. Enraptured, I knew I had to speak with her and find out more about the tune.

“You have such a lovely voice”, I said. “I am a musician from Delhi and would love to learn a Tibetan song from you”.
 She looked at me and smiled kindly. I continued, “Could you tell me the lyrics so I could write them down?”

Surprised at the unexpected attention, she looked around shyly at first, but after a bit of egging on from my end, she obliged. As she narrated the words I wrote them down on a paper napkin I borrowed from the lady at the counter, who looked amused and delighted at the same time. She taught me the song line by line and we sang it together, the café echoing with the sound of our voices. We finished to a round of smiles & cheers from the other customers at the café. We were the stars of a mini concert in Mcloedganj, unbeknownst to all.

I was curious about the meaning of the song and asked her to explain it to me. She told me it was
about a bird flying above the mountains looking for freedom. From the tone of her voice I sensed that there was a hidden personal element to the story. As we chatted, she opened up and shared a little more about herself and her roots.
She was born in a beautiful little village in Tibet where she and her husband, a school teacher lived an idyllic life. This was until China occupied Tibet and mayhem ensued. Scores of monasteries were broken down. Strict oppressive laws were brought into place. People that raised their voices mysteriously disappeared. Musicians that sang about injustice were jailed. In desperation, monks started self-immolating to bring attention to the cause.  India opened her arms to hundreds of Tibetans, led by his holiness, the Dalai Lama that took asylum in Dharamsala.

”A lot of people tried to flee Tibet during this time” she said. “Those who were fortunate escaped, but many didn’t. I managed to escape to India with my children but my husband was not allowed to leave.”

She rummaged in her purse and pulled out a photo concealed in plastic for protection. Two handsome young men looked at me forlornly from the picture.

“These are my boys”, she said with pride. “One is 19 and the other is 17. We live in Bangalore, where I work in a healing center.”
 “And your husband? When did you last see him?” I asked almost dreading the answer. With a faraway look in her eyes she said “I haven’t seen him in seventeen years”. SEVENTEEN years!! 
“I speak with him when I can on the phone but most of the times I can’t reach him and don’t know if he’s ok. When I miss him a lot, I sing these songs to remember him and our times together. I don’t know when I’ll see him again but I pray that someday I will. Pray for me.” 
Something about her story struck an emotional chord in my heart and I couldn’t hold back my tears.
 “Could I give you a hug?” I asked. She gave me an emotional nod as we hugged and sobbed in each others arms. Not saying anything, but understanding everything. Two strangers, now friends; bound by a story of love, loss and a song.

We sang the song together again, one last time in unison. This time with a silent prayer & the conviction that one day the bird would indeed fly to freedom and be re-united with the sky.

All of us with the Tibetan lady at Rogpa Cafe

P.S This story and that of whats been happening in Tibet inspired me to write "Burning Fire" ..a song I'll be releasing in Feb 2016. Divya and me went back to Dharamshala and shot the video for this song..Stay tuned for updates.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

International Hits of 2015 for your New Year Playlist

It’s the end of the year and everyone’s making plans for the perfect party to bring in the New year. But what’s a good party without some good music ? I picked out some International hits of 2015 along with my  own new party release , that are sure to pack a punch at your party. 
Read on..

1>  Lean On – Major Lazer
This groovy song by Major Lazer with an Indian themed music video had everyone from India to the USA dancing non stop.  You’ve probably heard this song played at least once at every club , every party and karaoke nights you’ve been to. Well..time to hear it one last time before the year ends!

2>  Uptown Funk – Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars
Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars weave their magic in this funky ,upbeat song, that also grabbed the MTV Video Music award for Best Male Video. If this doesn’t get you grooving , nothing will!

3>  Honey I’m Good- Andy Grammar
Every playlist has to have a feel good song and this one fits the bill perfectly. It’s just a really “Happy sounding” song..and “happy” is a good thing to be when you’re partying with your friends  and celebrating the year gone by.

4>  All About that Bass- Meghan Trainor
Megan Trainor’s song about appreciating yourself the way you are struck the right chord with audiences this year. Check it out yourself !

5>  Maroon 5 – Sugar
Maroon 5 won peoples hearts with their surprise performances at weddings this year (that was until we found out it was all staged for the music video:P). Nevetheless..good song by the band.

 6> I Let Go (Party Mix) - Pragnya Wakhlu
Dropping a new single today to end the year with a bang! This one's a one of a kind disco-dubstep track. Presenting to you the exclusive lyrics video of "I Let Go ( Party Mix) ". Woo-Hoo!

7> See You Again – Wiz Khalifa. Ft Charlie Pruth
At the end of the party bid your friends adieu with the hit track from the movie 'Fast and Furious 7'.Believe me they will want to see you again in 2016J

So here's raising a toast to you and a wonderfully musical year ahead. Happy new Year!
Whats on your playlist for New years? Let me know comments below.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Don't give up..The best is yet to come

Unless your born into a musicians family, becoming an artist is almost always a conscious choice..a choice a person makes on their own...not dictated by others opinions but fuelled by sheer passion.
If you're an artist, it's great that you made that choice for yourself. But as you live your life you'll realise, it's often hard up to stand up for your own choices.When money is running dry and success seems miles away and people ask you questions like "So what do you actually do?" " Whats your real job?" "What do you do all day?" "What do you really want to do with your life?"
Yes..difficult questions to answer..but don't let them fluster you. There are many people that are simply unaware of what it takes to be an artist and ask out of ignorance, not necessarily to put you down. Many people that ask you , probably secretly envy you for the courageous step you have taken; something that they might not take the risk of doing for fear of stepping out of their comfort zone.
You are brave to have made this choice.
Yes, there will be times when you question whether all the effort and hard work is worth it..whether you should've listened to your parents after all and just taken up that cushy job where at least you're assured a decent salary.There will be times when you'll doubt yourself..there will be times when you will cry .. there will be many times when you will fail.
What should you do in these times?
Beleive..Have faith..unshakeable faith in yourself and your abilities. It is your own faith that will drive you elses. 
Use criticism as fuel to drive you to do better, work harder.
Define your goals..Keep them in front of your eyes each day..and repeat them to yourself.
Close your eyes and imagine you're already where you want to be and feel those feelings of sheer happiness, elation and joy. Work out of happiness..not for happiness.Don't let failures make you a cynic.
I've been working as an artist for 7 years and started tasting success only 2 years ago. I still have a long long way to go to make a mark..lots of more to work to do to improve my skill, reach greater heights. Like any other career , it does take time..Be patient.
Grammy winning artist Ricky Kej said something really valid in my interview with him."Don't let creativity be an excuse for laziness". Many artists think that being an musician means you just play a few gigs and a bit of practice and the rest will come to you. Wrong. You need to practice everyday, meet people, create opportunities, keep your ears open for whats happening on the circuit, record , release, market..Whew!Yes it's a full time job.
If you're not where you are in your career just yet..hold on. Maybe someone denied you a gig, but there are 10 others that won't , you just need to find these people.They may be in other cities..think big, expand your boundaries. This is a country of more than a billion people with varied musical tastes.Someone ,somewhere WILL like your music and will give you a chance to play.
Don't give up just yet..because the best is yet to come!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

5 Points that will help you and your band decide whether or not to do a Free Gig

Everyday independent bands and artists like you and me come across venue programmers and festival organizers that try to get you to do a free gig for them so they can “promote you”. 
What they actually mean by “We will promote you “ is  “We have no cash and we want you to play for free in exchange for a facebook event that we will create (to promote you of course!)”.
I know a lot of bands are eager to showcase their talent on any stage that they can get; but before you accept a free gig here are a five points to consider that will help you evaluate if a free gig’s worth doing. Read on..

1.  Evaluate if the target audience at the offered gig is a match to your bands music

Who is the target audience that will be present at the gig? Are they the kind of audiences that listen to or will be interested in listening to the genre of music your band is creating?
If you are asked to play a free gig slot at a prestigious music festival where the audience has come specifically to listen to and discover new music then maybe it might make sense to do the free gig if you’re a beginner band. However, if it’s the launch of a new Indian family restaurant and your band plays metal ..then maybe the audience and venue would not be a right fit.
Knowing the audience that will want to listen to and buy your music is a crucial pre-requisite.

2.  Clarify what the venue/organizer is offering in return for your performance

Most venues will say that they will “promote you” and bands often make the mistake of not clarifying what this “promotion” will entail. You need to ask the venue/organizer prior to the gig what exactly they will do in terms of promotion and insist on terms that both of you agree to.
Some venues have tie-ups with newspapers and you can get the band some newspaper coverage in lieu of the gig or you could strike a deal with the venue that you would do one free gig but if the patrons enjoy it then the next one needs to be paid for.
Check with the venue how they are promoting the show on radio ,social media and whether they are submitting it to gig listings in the city .

3.  Identify what is the goal of the gig

What do you want to achieve at the end of the performance? Some of the goals could be:
·      Introducing new audiences to our music
·      Getting noticed by the venue/potential venues for future gigs
·      Making money
·      Making a live band video
 For example, if your goal is to make a decent live video for your band’s you-tube channel(which currently has no live videos of the band) then maybe your priority would be to accept to the free gig . If your band is more seasoned , then ask your band if there are any other goals that can be met by doing this free gig (e.g. the possibility of being heard by a festival organizer or other specific promoters that might create more gig opportunities) and whether it’s worth your effort and time.

4.  Check the venues policy for other music acts

There are venues that try to take younger bands for a ride by telling them they don’t pay any bands that play there because they are the hip new place in town and bands are lucky to be given a chance to play there. Before you get blown away by their generosity(!), check with your other friends and contacts on the music circuit about whether they pay other acts and what the venue policy for bands is.If you find a discrepancy you need to talk to the venue about the same. Stand your ground.

5.  Is the gig for a cause you feel passionately about?

Sometimes there are fund-raisers for causes that are close to your heart. For example, when there were floods in Kashmir  last year , the band Parikrama organized a fund-raising concert where they invited me and many artists(Rabbi, Indian Ocean, Advaita etc) that played free of cost to raise money for flood victims and their families. Sometimes you want to just play for the greater good and money comes secondary. Remember though, that the rest of your band might not feel so passionately about causes that resonate with you. Checking with your band members before accepting a free gig of this nature is very important.

Remember to ask the venue to provide the band and the band members F&B post your performance. That’s the least they can do.
I hope this article helped clear a few dilemmas surrounding whether it’s worth your time doing a free gig!:)

What are some of your bands reasons for doing/not doing a free gig? Write them in the comments below.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Free Hugs: The story behind what inspired my song

In mid 2007, my work with an I.T. firm took me to the city of Seattle, USA.This is a city that has been home to some of the greatest music acts the world has ever known. From bands like Nirvana that introduced the world to grunge music to alternative acts like Soundgarden, Pearl Jam and more recently Macklemore & Ryan LewisSeattle is a city that has inspired many a musician. Here I was, a fledgling singer, wide-eyed and excited, scouring the city for my next musical inspiration. I had chosen to live in the city and not in the suburbs like most of my other Indian co-workers, because I felt the city was more alive with street performers at every corner, a buzzing nightlife and vibrant markets.

One evening as I was walking home after work, I noticed an old man sitting by himself. Bright balloons and a teddy bear, surrounded him and he held a cardboard sign. I squinted and read the colourful letters aloud  Free Hugs.” ‘Free Hugs? How does that work? Intrigued, I went up to the old man and initiated a conversation.
Hi there! Whats Free Hugs? What are you doing this for?I asked.
Hello young lady! I give free hugs to whoever wants one. Im just an old man who wants to spread a little love and sunshine in this world. The world is a dark place, it needs more people that care I come here everyday at this time.

Thats such a beautiful thing to do! How long have you been doing this?

Oh for many years now! After my children left, Ive led a lonely life. I know there are a lot of other lonely people in the world as well who could use a hug. Sometimes people have had a bad day and theres no one to go to. Its the least I can do to help people break the walls that surround them and reach out to one another.

And you dont get paid for this I guess?

Only in smiles,he said with a toothy grin.

With a smile, I extended my arms out for a hug. It was a nice, warm friendly hug in the middle of a crowded street. I felt pure joy at being a part of this simple act of kindness from a  stranger. In this world where money and time are a priority, here was someone whose only agenda was to spread sunshine.

There was a Starbucks nearby and I hopped over to buy both of us a coffee. The least I could do on that cold day was warm the hands of the man who had spent most of his life warming so many hearts.
I was so inspired by this man and his story, that I wrote a blues song,Free Hugs that made it to my debut album. Heres what it went like

Free Hugs
Alone I stand on the corner street,
Expressionless passing eyes,
I bare my heart and soul to you,
I'm wearing no!
Won't ask you any questions,
Won't offer you no advice,
My heart is open to anyone,
This is real, no device.

Free hugs, nothing in return
You may be brown, black or white
Where it's dark and some hearts burn,
Lets all spread a little light.

Did your old man leave you?
A broken heart to mend?
Do you need a shoulder to cry on ?
Or the comfort of a friend?
I ask not where you come from,
I ask not where you go,
The glimmer of sadness in your eyes,
Speaks all there is to know

Free hugs, nothing in return
You may be brown, black or white
Where it's dark and some hearts burn,
Lets all spread a little light.

The frowns turn upside down,
The teardrops disappear,
As your hand reaches out for mine,
The dark skies start to clear.
Our hearts heal together,
Shadows creep away,
Heaven's arms are open,
The dark lord starts to fray...

Free hugs, nothing in return
You may be brown, black or white
Where it's dark and some hearts burn,
Lets all spread a little light.

The story didnt end there. On returning to India a year later, some friends and I organised a Free Hugs campaign in Pune, the city I lived in at that point. This was post the Mumbai terror attacks and it was our way of passing forward the message of love and hope.

Its been over 5 years since I met the old man from Seattle and yet, every time I sing my song  Free Hugson stage, I see his face with that toothy grin, holding the old cardboard sign endearingly asking,A free hug for you today sir?

**Note: Article first written for and published by Happy Tripping ( I am a guest writer with them). Read the article on the Happy tripping website here