Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to get a censor certificate for your music video in India

When I was trying to get a censor certificate for my music video, I found that there was nobody( including the channels) who knew the actual process  on how to get a censor certificate.Most people would find an agent;pay him 5X times the cash that you actually need to pay and get it done.For a musician that's quite a bit of money.So I went on a mission to get the censor certificate all by myself; called the Delhi censor board and figured out the way it's done..Mission accomplished!!:) I now have my censor certificate and Vh1 is airing my video in August 2012.
I felt this post would help other musicians/bands who are also trying to get one.It's not all that tough as it's made out to be..Read on..
The Censor Certificate for my music video "Rise"

Watch the Video "Rise" above

Checklist of items you need before you apply for a censor certificate

1.       Create a version of your video with a ‘Time Code’ & the text ‘Censor Copy’ at the bottom of the video. This is so that in case there are any cutes the censor board knows at exactly which second the cuts need to be made. This should be the only video on the CD .The Cd needs to be labeled as follows:
a.       Song Titled: <<Fill in Song name here e.g. “Infatuation”>>
b.      Duration : <<Write duration in mm:ss  e.g.  3 min 59 secs>>
c.       Producer: <<Write artist name here if you are financing it yourself e.g.  Dhiraj Raina>>
2.       A demand draft of Rs. 1020/- needs to be made payable to the ‘Pay & Account officer ,Ministry of I&B ,<City you are applying to>’ .The City will change according to the censor office you are applying to. E.g. If I am applying in Delhi the demand draft would be payable to ‘Pay & Account officer ,MInistry of I&B ,New Delhi’ .Get 2 photocopies of this demand draft.
3.       Script/Lyrics : 2 copies of the lyrics of the song exactly in the way the appear in the video.Format of the document should be :
a.       Title : Script/Lyrics for <<Songname>>
b.      Written by : <Lyricist name>>
c.       Lyrics of song
4.       Synopsis: 2 copies of the Synopsis for the song
a.       Title: Synopsis
b.      Reason for Censor Certificate: provide details of which channel needs it
c.       Song details:
·         Name of Song
·         Language
·         Brief description of song & Music video
·         Album
·         Artist
·         Director
·         Asst. Director
·         Agency
·         Director of Photography(DOP)
·         Second camera
·         Producer
·         Production Assist
·         Edited by
5.       Covering Letter addressed to the Regional Officer(See format in example below)
6.       Undertaking on a Rs.100 stamp paper ,notarized by the court. The text for the undertaking is provided on a sheet by the Censor guys.You need to obtain this from their office.The whole notary process including the stamp paper should cost you about Rs. 300-350 bucks & you can get it done from any district court or notary guy.
7.       Buy a cardboard File & label it with the following details:
a.       CBFC ID
b.      Producer Name
c.       Song - <<Songname>>
d.      Duration<<In mm:SS>>
File your documents in this folder
Great !So you have all your documents with you..Now you’re ready to apply for your certificate!

Sample Submittion

Lyrics : ‘Rise’
Written by : Pragnya Wakhlu

You can’t stop my will , a bird in flight..
Riding through the sleepless night,
Guiding my way, a powerhouse of light..
Not outside but within..
Barriers may come, but they will fall..
I won’t break down, I will stand tall..
Not you or anyone can make me feel small..
I live for my dream..

My time has come to rise..
My time has come to rise..
My time has come to rise..
My time has come to rise..

I see my dream materialize..
Building blocks in front of my eyes..
Steadfast, withstand the wind..
Brave and strong carry on..

My time has come to rise..
My time has come to rise..
My time has come to rise..
My time has come to rise..

No backing down, no losing hope..
Glorious intent and steely strength..
Pessimists we have no room for you..
Our hearts are living the dream..

My time has come to rise..
My time has come to rise..
My time has come to rise..
My time has come to rise..

Reason for Censor Certificate: VH1 India would like to screen the music video on the ‘VH1 India Rules’ platform to promote independent musicians in India. For this they require the music video to have a censor certificate.
The details of the Song are as follows:
Name of Song: ‘Rise’
Language: English
Brief description of song & Music video: The song ‘Rise’ is written to inspire people to rise to their true calling. The video depicts the pure spirit (in white) and symbols of growth and prosperity such as rise fields, sunshine and several shots of nature. The song is intended to motivate and inspire people.
Album:  Journey To the Sun
Artist: Pragnya Wakhlu feat. Sanjay Joseph
Director: Prateek Sethi
Asst. Director : Shreya Gulati
Agency:  Trip Creative Services, Mumbai,Maharashtra
Director of Photography(DOP) : Aashith Shetty
Second camera : Dhanya Pilo
Producer : Pragnya Wakhlu
Production Assist: Vijay Ubale
Edited by: Prachi S Shirodkar


                                              Covering Letter 

The Regional Officer CBFC ,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

I am submitting the song titled “Rise” for certification along with the following documents for certification:
1)Demand Draft
2) Script(Lyrics)
3)  Synopsis
4) Undertaking

Kindly certify the film as soon as possible.

Thank you,
Pragnya Wakhlu

Step by Step Process to get a censor certificate

1.       The first thing you have to do is create an ID for yourself on the CBFC website.
a.       Go to the CBFC Website :
b.      Click on ‘Register’
c.       Create a username & password for yourself.You will receive a CBFC id
d.      You need to call up the censor board office where you are applying and ask them to activate your ID. If they don’t do it over the phone you need to go there with the printout of the confirmation page and ask them to activate it
2.       Once your id is created and has been activated,visit the CBFC website & log in with your CBFC id & password. You will come to the Home page
3.       Go to the ‘Application Forms’ tab .Select the ‘Fresh’ option from the drop down on the  Form IA: Application for Certification for public exhibition of a VIDEO film produced in India.  Row & click on the ‘Apply’ button.
4.       You will be taken to Form 1-A where you need to fill in the details of the short film(See reference application below for reference)
5.       On the ‘Screening Fee’ Tab  select ‘Yes’ for ‘Whether film to be screened at CBFC.The screening fee takes care of the projector that the CBFC guys hire to review your music video/film.The charge is Rs. 70/-
6.       On the ‘Certification Fee’ tab select ‘NPE” for Whether the film is PE/NPE.The certification fee is Rs. 950/-
7.       The Total payable amount shows on the screen which is Rs. 1020/-.
8.       Go to the ‘No. of DD’s to be added’ dropdown and select ‘1’.A pop up will open where you need to enter the Demand Draft Details.
9.       At the bottom of the Page Click on ‘List of Documents’.Select the following:
a.       9/6 Copies of Script/Commentary
b.      9/6 Copies of Synopsis
c.       Rs. 100 Undertaking on stamp paper
10.   Save the document & Submit.
11.   Once you have submitted you need to take a print out of FORM 1A which you have filled online, & the list of Documents
12.   File all documents in the labeled cardboard file. Check if all the documents below are present:
a.       Covering letter
b.      Synopsis – 2 copies
c.       Lyrics – 2 copies
d.      Form 1-A
e.      Undertaking on Rs. 100 Stamp paper
f.        Demand Draft
g.       Photocopy of Demand Draft
h.      Censor Copy CD of music video with Time Code
13.   Now that the online submission of the documents is complete, you need to physically go and submit the documents to the censor board.
14.   Once this is complete you need to log in & you can keep checking your certification status from the website & which stage your certification is in.
15.   Once it reachs the printing & issuance stage,call the censor board & ask if the certificate is ready to be collected.
16.   IF cuts are to be made they will ask you to make cuts & you need to resubmit the video..but if all’s clear you should receive the certificate within 10 days from the day of submitton! 

  All the best with your music video ! If you like this post do 'Like' my facebook musicians page